Thursday, August 5, 2010

Let the countdown begin

This summer has seriously flown by. While I don't think of summer as being almost over, it is after all only the beginning of August, the school calendar tells me differently. Luke is down to less that 2 weeks of summer vacation before the big first grade year begins. I was feeling a little glum about that the other day as we were enjoying some leisurely play time in our backyard, but then I started thinking about all the wonderful fall things I like and I perked up a little.:) We still have lots of fun things planned though. This Saturday we're heading to the zoo with Ryan's work. We get in free, which is an added bonus! Next week we're taking an extra long weekend to head to Orange City and the cabin one more time. It's kind of a last minute planned trip, but we needed to get back there while we could. We have tickets to the Iowa State Fair and we're going camping Labor Day weekend! I told Luke all the plans we have for the rest of the summer and his face lit up. It should be a fun time.
I've also been counting down the numbers on the scale. I had a master plan about 2 years ago, which backfired big time. I joined Weight Watchers so I could lose the 20 pounds of baby weight from Luke & Reagan. I thought that if I lost the weight before getting pregnant one more time, it would be easy to get right back down to it. I did lose the weight and then got pregnant...with twins! Unfortanately, I gained 60 pounds instead of 30 pounds and now guessed it, 20 pounds to lose. So I started using a free website called It has been great so far! You input what you eat and it takes away calories, carbs, fat, and protein from what you should have daily based on your requirements. You can also input any exercise you do. I've lost 4 pounds so far and am still feeling motivated. The best part is that at the end of the day when you input all your data, it tells you, if every day were like today you would weight "input weight" in 5 weeks. That makes you want to keep on going. I just thought I'd share in case anyone else is trying to lose weight or just eat healthier.
We also had pictures taken by someone in our church at the beginning of July. They turned out pretty cute. The twins were not very cooperative at all, but we were able to get a couple of good shots of them. Luke & Reagan had tons of great ones! Here are just a couple. Enjoy your weekend!


Unknown said...

Oh, those are waaay too cute!!

Renee said...