Monday, June 22, 2009

It's time to party!

The birthday kids eating some lunch.
Drew was trying to get a headstart on opening some presents.
The birthday girl
These blocks are more fun to climb on that build with!
Yeah! A card that plays music.
They were more interested in trying to grab everything else on the table while we sang "Happy Birthday" (two times).
Blowing out the candles
Drew shoved his cake in his mouth.
Lauren was much more neat about it, although they both ended up with baths afterwards, because they had tons of frosting in their hair.
"Hey....are you going to eat that?"
The big kids had a ton of fun sliding in to the pool and shooting the firefighter water hose at each other.

Drew riding his new truck.
Lauren's new pony. She was very protective of it and yelled at Drew when he tried to climb up by her.
Brynn & Hailey slept through most of the party but they got to hang out for a little while. This is a picture of Hailey.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Happy 1st Birthday Drew and Lauren!!! Looks like the party was a lot of fun =)