Friday, September 12, 2008

3 months old

My 3 men
Drew falls asleep like this all the time. I put him in the carrier facing forward so he can look around and then he dozes off. I just thought it was pretty funny.

Drew & Lauren are almost 3 months old. We took them to get their 3 month pictures taken last Saturday, but none of them really turned out. We did get one of them together, so I thought I'd take some individuals on my own when we got home. I got a couple of cute ones.


Amber Nicole said...

Wow! I can't believe they're so big already!

I just stumbled across your blog and I love it!

You can check us out at

Paulson 5 said...

I love all the pictures and the new scrapbook look of the blog. You inspired me also to step it up a have to check ours out. You all look like you are doing so great. Thanks for all the updates!
God Bless you,
Stephanie P.