There were lots of smiles, fun and sun at the cabin this year. Every year it gets more fun for us because as the kids get older, they like to do more and more things. Last year, Drew & Lauren were quite timid about the water and were terrified of the boat. This year they were in the water a ton and were begging to go on boat rides! Drew loved the wave runner, but we couldn't convince Lauren to try it out. They all had a great time playing on the neighbor's beach area and digging in the sand. The mini-trail was a big hit with them all (I think they all spotted deer on one ride or another), the swing got a ton of use and there were countless cannon balls off the dock. It was a great weekend and we're bummed that we can't make it up there one more time before school starts. Where do all the summer weekends go?

Sand castle fun

Grandpa and Luke on the wave runner. Grandpa even taught Luke how to drive it. He felt quite big after that.:)

Our blonde haired cutie hanging out on the dock.

These two loved the tube. They wanted to keep going...and the faster the better! Drew & Lauren went on a short ride with Ryan and I, but they were not big fans.

Reagan warming up in the sun.

Luke in motion

Typical, goofy 7-year old boy behavior.:)

Reagan's turn for a ride on the mini-trail.


Lauren was so excited to go for a ride and then when Ryan got the bike out she ran away. We finally convinced her to at least sit on it for a picture. After Ryan started it she freaked out a little from the noise, but she ended up
loving the ride.

Casting her line.

Trying to hook a big one. No fish were caught this year though.

Drew is excited for his turn.

This picture would have been good if it wasn't so blurry.:( I think the smoke from the campfire was causing some problems.

Love them.:)

4 chairs for 4 sweet kids.

Time for smores

On the boat

Luke in his given spot in the boat. Reagan did question that this year and hopped in the front before him. It did not go over well!

All smiles on the boat this year.

A little campfire before bed.

They loved to hang out on the floaties and pull each other around.

Lauren tracing Grandpa

Grandpa tracing Lauren

Those swimming lessons paid off!

Lauren and mommy on the boat.