Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat

What do you get when you cross Spaghetti & Meatballs, a lion, a Care Bear, Darth Vader, Bob the Builder, Super Jacen, and Spiderman? If it's any night other than Halloween, lots of strange looks, but on this particular night, lots of smiles and candy!
This was Drew & Lauren's first time Trick or Treating and the quickly caught on!

We ended up trick or treating in Orange City this year. It was a last minute decision and the costumes added to our luggage load, but it was well worth it. The kids had a blast and it was a beautiful evening. There were lots of family members who were excited to see the kids in their costumes. We even got to take a picture with some of Ryan's cousin's kids (see pic above). Reagan's costume was pretty much falling apart by the end of the night from taking it on and off so much to get in the van, but most people knew what she was and were impressed.:) They're loving all the candy..and so am I (ha!)

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