Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We had a full weekend of partying last week. We celebrated Luke's 6th birthday with not one, but two parties and then threw in an impromptu Super Bowl get together as well. On Friday evening 7 boys from Luke's class came over for a Star Wars bash. We had a fun time playing games (although they would have been just as happy to play with toys for the 2 hours!), eating, and opening gifts. This was Luke's first "friends" party and he had a fun time. Saturday evening our family came over to celebrate. All the cousins always enjoy getting together and we get to have lots of birthday parties in the winter months! I think Luke had almost all of his new Lego sets put together by Sunday and is having a great time with his new gifts. Thanks everybody for helping us celebrate!

Ryan and his dad made marshmallow shooters for all the boys. They decorated them with stickers when they first arrived and then we used them for a game. They needed to shoot Darth Vader with their marshmallows and then rescue Princess Leia. The boys thought it was much funnier to feed Princess Leia to Jabba the Hut though.:)
Luke wearing the Darth Vader mask for the stick the asteroid to the ship game. We had two teams...the Vaders and the Clones.
Luke with his lightsaber cupcakes. He thought it would be a good idea to make it look like he was holding the lightsaber.
Eating a meal of Jedi pizza, Anakin apples, and Yoda soda. I think this is the only time they were sitting still the entire two hours!
Some of his friends watching him open gifts.
Luke and his new Voice changer Clone Trooper mask.
His Captain Rex cake for the family party
Happy Birthday to you!
The girls had a fun time dressing up.
Luke and Jaren had fun playing his new Star Wars lego game on the Wii. He would play this game all day everyday now if I let him.:)

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

Happy Birthday Luke! I can't believe that little boy we used to see every other week is now 6, reading, and going to school! God is so awesome. What a blessing he is to your family. Enjoy....