Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 months old

Drew was laying part way on top of Lauren before I got this picture taken. She didn't seem to mind.

Drew scoots and rolls himself under the couch in the playroom frequently. It's fun for a little while and then he gets mad because he can't get out. Luke used to always do the same thing!
Lauren always sits in the little seat with her ankles crossed. She loves to relax and lounge.
Drew got himself into trouble the other day. He rolled and scooted himself over to this phone line and was playing with it when I came into the room. He looks sorry, doesn't he?:)
Drew does great at sitting up by himself. I love it because I can stick the bucket of toys by him and he keeps himself entertained!

It's been forever since I've posted. Sorry about that to all of you faithful followers of the Noteboom household!:) We've been sick with the stomach flu around here and busy with gatherings, so it seems like time is flying by! Drew & Lauren will be 7 months old in a few days. As you can see from the pictures Drew is sitting up on his own and is so close to crawling. He gets up on his hands & knees and rocks back and forth. He's plenty able to get into trouble just by rolling though, so I'm in no hurry! Lauren is still content to lay on her back and just hang out. I'm trying to work with her on sitting up, so I put her in a special little seat all the time which she likes. She's able to roll over if she really wants to. I told her she better get moving or Drew is going to be able to steal toys from her and she won't be able to do anything about it! They started eating some cereal puffs recently and have tried sippy cups with apple juice in them. They don't quite have the sucking thing down on those yet. I'm actually ready for the day when they can eat more table food, so I don't have to take as much time feeding them their baby food. Of course, all of that extra time will be used to clean up the messes they'll make from feeding themselves.:)

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

7 months old aleady! Drew and Lauren are adorable. You all look like you are doing so well. I think of you often and keep you in my prayers. Love, Stephanie