Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eating time

Reagan decided she was hungry the other night while I was feeding Drew, so she made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (don't worry....they have their own special knife that isn't sharp!). Now if only I could get her to clean toilets!:)

I was videoing Drew & Lauren eating the other day. Drew was making sour faces at the pears he was eating, but of course, as soon as I got the camera out, he stopped. Lauren isn't the greatest at eating in the high chair. We usually hold her on our laps so we can keep her hand out of her mouth. And yes, they are wearing the same bib. I figure it cuts down on my laundry a little if they use the same one!
I can hear the ice falling outside, so that's my cue to go curl up on the couch under a blanket. I'll post more tomorrow!

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