We've been busy around here and it seems the month of November flew by. Here's a quick catch-up on what we've been up to.
Pinterest is one of my new favorite things to peruse after the kids go to bed. I made the JOY artwork on the mantle. The best part was it was under $10!:)
Reagan and Luke had their school Christmas concert last weekend. We tried to take a couple of pictures by the decorations, but it didn't got super well. Lauren was grumpy and refused to even pose for us.
Drew & Lauren designed and built this tower using all our blocks. They were quite proud!
We decided to get a real tree this year, but it has been non-stop trouble. The thing is ginormous and we had to hunt down a tree-stand to fit it in, because ours was too small. It hits the ceiling, so we weren't able to put the star on top this year.:) We have cement blocks holding the stand in place so that it stands upright. Now we discovered that it's not sucking any water, so we had to remove it out of the stand and cut some of the trunk off. Ugh! I think I'm sticking with artificial from now on.;)

Every night in December the kids unwrap one Christmas book. Luke read the story to the other kids on this night.
Luke with the other 1st and 2nd graders at his program. We couldn't get any good pictures of Reagan at all.
Drew helped Ryan hang the lights on the tree out front. He's been wanting to wear his "glasses" alot lately.
My cousin Shelley and her daughter Anna invited Reagan, Lauren and I to go see a Junie B. Jones play at the Children's Theater in town. It was a lot of fun and the girls had a good time.
The kids are waiting for a big snowstorm to come our way. We received a couple of inches one day, so Drew & Lauren quickly went and played before it all melted away.
Ryan participated in the Living History Farms off-road race this year. He and a bunch of co-workers ran together with their matching Occupy LHF shirts and picket signs. He was filthy when he got home and had to throw his shoes away, but he had a great time.