This post has a hodge-podge of pictures on it, so you'll have to bear with me.:) It seems like we've been on the go a lot lately. Last week and the week before Luke & Reagan had swimming lessons every evening. They had a great time and didn't even mind swimming when it was so cold those nights. Last week Luke attended Vacation Bible School at our church. He loved it! He looked forward to going every morning and it was fun to see him branch out a little more. We've also had visits with friends, trips to the park, and gotten a little bit of painting done. This week the oldest two are camping in Michigan with my parents and sister and some other family. At the moment the two sets of twins are both napping, so I thought I'd better take the opportunity to update the blog, since it's been awhile!

Drew & Lauren have been having fun on the riding toys lately.

Last Sunday evening we went to Raccoon River Park for a bike ride and play time. The kids had a great time. They're hoping we can go back and go to the beach next time.

Lucas and Reagan posing on the overlook.

All of our kiddos (minus Hillary, Drew & Lauren)
Our good friends Scott & Stephanie Paulson moved to Florida about a year and a half ago. We hadn't had a chance to see them since they moved. We were so excited when they came to visit last Sunday, along with our friends Sara & Barry We had a great time catching up. The kids played awesome together, which gave us time to relax and visit.

Sara, Stephanie & myself

We decided to let Drew & Lauren try eating corn on the cob for the first time. Lauren would only eat it from the ends and Drew kept dropping his, so I helped him out. Lauren wanted to do it herself, so I don't think she actually ate any corn off of hers.