Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

Ryan's mom created this little thing. It's quite funny and worth your time! Merry Christmas to you all.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas traditions

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the little traditions that we've begun with our kids. They are little things that Luke and Reagan are already beginning to remember and look get excited about as Christmas comes closer. Some of them involve more than just our family, like our church and school Christmas concerts and family get togethers with Grandpas & Grandmas. The kids also love decorating our Christmas tree with their very own ornaments that they receive every year. The past couple of years we've done an advent box that Grandpa & Grandma Noteboom gave the kids for Christmas one year. Every day we read a short devotional from an advent book and then open a box. There is always a figure for a hanging nativity scene that Aunt Arlene made for them last year. Some days there is a piece of our new nativity scene hidden in the living room and some days there is a note. The notes always give them a clue to find a small gift around the house. We also began a new tradition this year that a friend had told me about. I wrapped up 25 different Christmas books and each evening they take turns unwrapping a book for us to read. We've been having fun with all the different stories. It's been fun sharing these things with the kids as we get ready to celebrate Christmas!

Opening the advent box as we count down to Christmas
Reading our Christmas book. Lauren enjoys listening to the stories with the big kids. Drew would rather be off playing!
Reagan posing after Luke's school Christmas concert.
A nice shot of Luke by the decorations after his Christmas concert.
Getting ready to sing with the other Kindergatners.

Reagan's Birthday party

We celebrated Reagan's 4th birthday princess style last weekend. We combined my nephew Jaren and Reagan's parties to cut down on a little of the chaos around Christmas for us all. Jaren chose a Monster Truck theme, which made for some interesting decorations! It was a busy weekend with 2 Christmas concerts also taking place. We had fun with a pinata and both kids got lots of fun gifts.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day

Luke had his very first snow day ever. He was excited to stay home from school today, but I don't think he really grasps how awesome snow days are! He'll learn. We were pretty much stuck inside our house. Ryan didn't even have to go into work today, which was nice. We finally got the driveway and sidewalks cleared so we can leave the house. It's never a good sign though when you have to shovel the drifts before you can snowblow. Ryan and I tag teamed, which makes it a little more bearable....although I was stuck with the shoveling duties. I think I might need to learn how to use the snowblower! It appears the twins were having a hat fashion show while I was outside shoveling. I'm hoping the snowplows hit our street before the morning so I can get Luke to school. We survived the "storm of the century" as they say, and it was actually quite nice.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Reagan!


Happy 4th Birthday to our dear, sweet Reagan. At 4 years old you are starting to enjoy playing with Barbies and your dollhouse. You love to create your own songs and dance and are very creative and enjoy doing crafts of all sorts. You are a joy to have in our lives and bring many smiles and lots of laughter everyday with the silly things you say and do. We love you lots! Have a Happy Birthday.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Lots to be thankful for!

We spent our Thanksgiving in Orange City this year. We were able to visit tons of family and eat a bunch, of course! We had a family gathering on both Thursday and Friday evening, so we were partied out by Saturday. Luke & Reagan had just enough left in them to go to Disney on Ice in Des Moines on Saturday with Grandpa & Grandma. We are so thankful for the family and friends we have been blessed with.

Luke and soon-to-be Uncle Adam contemplating which plane is the coolest.
Michael, Owen & Reagan

I probably shouldn't have eaten all that turkey!

Drew & I at our Friday night gathering at Doug & Cinda's house.
Luke played a lot of ping-pong this weekend. He's actually not too bad!
Madison (the dog) is not really a fan of children, but she likes Luke a lot.
The Seven Dwarfs at Disney on Ice
Grandpa & Luke enjoying some popcorn.

Reagan and Grandma watching the show. They said they tried to keep Reagan from twirling her new toy during the performance (especially after it got caught in the hair of the girl in front of her!).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Random things

Not much new seems to be going on around here. We are in the groove of our school schedule and are very much looking forward to having some time off for the holidays. Next week we are heading to Orange City for Thanksgiving. The kids are counting down the school days until then! We've been keeping busy and having fun. Here are some random pictures from the past few weeks. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

We bought these rocking chairs from money that Opa & Oma Noteboom gave them last December. We finally got them put together last Saturday!:)
Drew was pretty good with the screwdriver.
As soon as Ryan has a project to work on, he has four eager helpers.
Lauren kept trying to give Drew a kiss and he kept hitting her on the head when she came close. Typical boy!
I'm not sure what it is about this bucket that's so fun...or why they walk around with it on their head.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Our two little men

Our two guys are growing up.:) Drew had his first haircut today. He did awesome! He sat and smiled the entire time. I didn't even have to break out the M&M's that I brought as bribery. I did give them some at the end for being such troopers though! It always amazes me how much older they look just by cutting all their baby curls off. It makes me a little sad, but it was needed. The other day kids in Luke's class were commenting on how Drew & Lauren were twins but the only thing alike about them was their hair. I didn't want Drew to get a complex.:)
Luke had his first day of wrestling camp today. He was excited to show Reagan and Ryan some of the moves he learned. It was pretty amusing watching a bunch of Kindergarten and 1st graders wrestle around. He seemed to enjoy it, so maybe it will be a good outlet for some of that energy!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lots of candy!

The kids all went trick or treating around our neighborhood last night. Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy, but that didn't stop them from getting loads of candy! Drew & Lauren dressed up in their costumes, but I left them home to hand out candy with Ryan. They loved being a pumpkin & a dragon. Reagan was Cinderella and Luke was a clone trooper. Jaren, Bethany, & Erica also came up to trick or treat with us. The kids rounded out the night with a slumber party.