Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Beauty

The trees in our backyard are starting to turn beautiful colors so we thought we'd take some pictures of us with one of the trees in the background. I love being able to look out the window and see the changing leaves. We hardly had any trees at our old house, so this has been an extra beautiful fall for us. Of course....we haven't raked all of the leaves from our many trees up!

Friday, October 24, 2008

4 months old

Lauren has started sucking her thumb now.

What big eyes you have!!
Having some tummy time.
Drew and Lauren are four months old now. They are definitely getting bigger and are so fun to interact with. They really notice each other now and are enjoying interacting with their big brother and sister too. They've started sitting in the exersaucer some, which enables them to check out everything going on. They also started cereal this week. They loved it! Lauren smiled the whole time, but she made a mess. Drew downed his in no time. We still have to buy another high chair, but for now they're taking turns. I didn't get a picture of Drew eating his first bowl, but I took one of Lauren. She looks so funny sitting in the high chair because she's not very big yet. At their checkups Drew was 12 1/2 lbs. and Lauren was 10 lbs. 3 oz. She's only a half-inch shorter than him though. Their pediatrician said they're doing great. Their sizes are fine because they were early and twins. It's hard to believe it's been 4 months already. They are so much fun to have around, and I feel really blessed to be the mommy of twins!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hee Hee

Some of the houses on our way to church have Halloween decorations out on their front yards. One of the homes has gravestones displayed all over. As we drove past today, Luke said, "'s the 10 commandments!". Pretty observant!

Rainy Day Fun

Lucas & Reagan were so excited to have a rainy day last week to use their new umbrellas. Aunt Lisa also gave Luke a Buzz Lightyear raincoat that he thinks is great! They went out on the deck and danced around in the rain for awhile. Oh to be young again and find joy in such little things!!:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch


We took a family outing to the pumpkin patch two Saturday's ago. We had a great time! The kids loved petting the goats and bunnies, riding the hayrack to pick out pumpkins, and taking a horseback ride for the first time. Drew and Lauren slept nicely in their baby carriers for the entire time. It was another beautiful fall day in Iowa!

Sleepy babies

Drew and Lauren do a great job of sleeping in their cribs at night, but they will only take cat naps in them during the day. Part of it is my fault for letting them fall asleep other places. They love sleeping in their swings and bouncy seats and can sleep through pretty much any noise. One day last week I put Drew on the floor to play and three different times on that same day he rolled onto his tummy and fell asleep sucking his thumb. He hasn't done it since though. He must have been tired! Before church on Sunday Drew was fussing in his swing, so Reagan decided he needed his toy bear. I came down to get him and he was sound asleep with the bear on his lap. It was pretty cute.

Look how our garden grows!

The kids planted their very own garden in the sandbox last week. They were very diligent about watering it every day and tending to their plants. They were also quite proud of what they did. Oh if I only had half the creativity they do!